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The owner of the web page is MIGUEL BELLIDO, S.A. . Polígono Industrial, Calle I, 13200 Manzanares, Ciudad Real, CIF- A-1300690, And inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real, tome 54, book 20, folio 80, sheet 159, is an original creative work protected by the laws of protection of intellectual property.

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The trademarks and domain names that appear on the website of MIGUEL BELLIDO, S.A. are from the exclusive property of MIGUEL BELLIDO, S.A. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of these marks is totally prohibited.
MIGUEL BELLIDO, S.A. has made all reasonable efforts on its part to ensure that the information obtained through its website is accurate. However, we do not guarantee in any way the accuracy, completeness and updating of such information.
MIGUEL BELLIDO, S.A. does not grant any kind of guarantee, express or implied, in relation to all or part of its web page. MIGUEL BELLIDO, S.A. shall not be liable in any case for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its nature, derived from the use of its website.

castilla la mancha
union europea


Miguel Bellido, S.A., has been granted assistance in the line of support for the creation and consolidation of the industries of Castilla-La Mancha. The project has been stimulated with a grant, co-financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund and the Government of Castilla-La Mancha. For the acquisition of five robotic and automatic machines for the belt manufacturing, which will allow us to increase the productive capacity of the company and a sixth machine for the sewing of pieces of leather accessory to the belt, which will allow to expand the possibilities Of design and its industrialization.